Or we could do those Best/Most Awards like in high school:

Most Studious:
Most Friendly: I'll get this one since I got it in high school.
Class Clown: Tie- Bad Daddy and SC
Most Handsome: Pork
Most Beautiful: Interestingly enough, Pork as well! He is, after all, a metrosexual! :p Best Legs: I don't know, but if I had to guess, SC!
Biggest Nerd: Me
Cutest Couple: Two words... pom poms
Most Outspoken: Tie- PL and FS
Most Whiny: Pork. He's been drinking more whine than he's used to. It's good for you, Pork.
Most Unique: Bethie. I think you should be the class clown too!
Most Likely to Succeed: Buffy. Any woman who can juggle a family, work, and be a sports fan at the same time is a winner in my book.