You can't get an award Bethie, you QUITTER! When the going got tough, you -the tough - packed up your toys and went home!

We could do like the Miss America pagaent:

Miss Congeniality = - his daily ramblings were like a ray of sunshine! :rolleyes:

Talent Award = Big Daddy. Ever hear so many rim shots? Try the veal, it's the best in the city!

Swimsuit Competition = Buffy, of course. Red bikinis rock! Although I think a couple of these guys are sporting their Wood in a thong or two...

I'm with , I miss it too. I never missed the fantasy game that much in the past 4 years I played with my work peeps.

Wow, what does that say about all youse guys??? :p

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....