Oh, those late into the night games are gonna kill me, Buffy. And BTW, I didn't say Woodro was HOT, just had that bad boy edge. I hate pretty, cookie cutter freaks. Speaking of freaks, can someone explain to me how that monkey face Ortiz won 21 games? SF can take back their reject.

And speaking of Vinny, notice who made the last hit for the Braves? He looked all lonesome out there with none of those scrubs bringing him home. I felt like putting my arms around that 6'1, 205lb Mexicana and saying, "Don't worry dear, you'll never be lonely with me around". I know, my daughter already called me crazy last night for yelling at the radio. I didn't know it was televised and listened to it on the radio until the 6th inning. Good thing, cause if I saw that Cubs 4th inning on tv I would have surely put my fist through the tv screen. I'm thinking that would have hurt a bit.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.