A look back at my old predictions...

Player Most Likely to Fizzle and Burn: Plaw. After his deal with the devil to get JKidd back, I predict a 5th place finish for . Go Nets!

Hmmm... Plaw finished in second place. That's pretty good considering his deal. Must have made another deal, didn't you Plaw! :p

Player Most Likely to Have a Curse Named After [b]Her: Bethie. The first half, the Bethie curse really didn't do any damage, save a few points here and there. Come second half, we will all see the full brunt of this dreaded curse. As Kurtz said, "The horror... The horror..." [/b]

You guys notice that I started doing well when Bethie left... Hmmm....

How Many Days it will Take Bad Daddy to Complain About Picking the Wrong Pitching Staff: 2
I just looked. He complained on the first day.

How Many Days it will Take Pork to Complain About Picking the Wrong Pitching Staff: 1
See Bad Daddy prediction. I was right on this one.

How Many Woody and Wood References We Will Have in the 2nd Half: 342

Not as many this half. We had references to stimulators, killing a waving guy, and "honey." Wood must be down. By the way, Wood will give the Braves as much as they can handle tomorrow.

How Many Times Plaw will complain about the innuendo: 2
More. Definitely more.

Player Most Likely to Invite the Youngsters into the Game: Fatherson
Not this time. I'll nominate FS as the Player Most Likely to Argue with PL. :p

Player Most Likely to Lose His Curse in the 2nd Half: SC. I see SC spending Plaw-esque amount of time in this game for the second half.
Nope. He spent all that time coming up with one-liners!