Here's my Oscar speech...

First off, I would like to thank all you for making each day fun and enjoyable. I check this thread before anything else in the day just to make sure I didn't miss any banter from the night before. I feel that I've made some great friends in this mini-board of ours and I look forward to beating those involved in fantasy football. (The last part was a joke... kind of! :p )

Thank you Pork and Plaw for posting morning and nightly scores. You guys are great. You know I would have helped if I wasn't in Central time (or took more pee breaks! )

I would like to mention that all of you were great competitors. A special shout-out to the Doubleheader league (and SC) who played almost everyday for both halves, especially you Plaw. I could really tell you were doing the work to try to catch up, and believe me, I was feeling the pressure. It made me pick up my game more. This thing was a marathon. FS, you were mastering the fun-da-mentals at the end. What were you doing picking those doubleheaders at the end? :p I, personally, am one of those who play to win. If you play to have fun and you accomplished that, then good for you. Whatever floats your boat, man.

Alright, enough of this mushy stuff. I'll write my end of the year awards and predictions later.