I'm bored. This is usually my time to do my initial setup of my roster.

Not really although I will admit I enjoyed the camaraderie (well until the last day or so) and I even got into the trash talking piece - although just a small bit very near the end. :rolleyes:

But it was getting to be a bit of work, as you find yourself in the thick of a few races - some time during the day some time at night, it will be nice to get that time back I will admit. And I also have to thank Pork and Satan and SC for the morning and nightly updates, I understand that doing so took some time and it was handy to have.

It is only a shame that I can't type this all in bronze letters. Boo-yah - third place, and a few more days I would have knocked PL's sorry a$$ back to down to third also and been typing in silver. :p The Pork and I had quite a battle going the last few days - he leapfrogs me with 3 games to go, I leapfrog him with 1 and it was down to the wire on the last day. So I will take my bronze medal - without an * as someone had to in the first half and be happy. And as PL told me in a PM - you could tell the really good players in the second half they all got over 3,500 points. All the rest were - how did you say it? - scum bag losers. Or something like that.