Through the entire trilogy, there is one thing that I have noticed that is a common pattern among the characters. The only two chcracters that lived through all three movies is Mike and his sister, Connie (besides Don Tommasino who is a fairly minor character thoughout the trilogy).

Another thing discussed on the site kind of often is how in each movie, Connie is drastically different. Although. Michael too is drastically different in each movie, though for more obvious reasons.

Basically, what I am trying to convey to you is that, maybe the Godfather Trilogy is also sending another message: that you must change with the times.

In The Godfather, Don Vito was almost killed because he did not change with the times and negotiate a drug deal with Solozzo.

In real life, during the Castellamarese War, all of the Moustache Petes were killed for one reason, they were old and didn't have any plans to change.

Connie, by The Godfather, Part III, was a very strong human being. She had gone through a lot in her lifetime and instead of basking in sorrow, as it seemed she would in The Godfather, she changed and kept strong, always doing what she thought was best.

Same with Michael, he never gave up, and always conformed to what his environment needed from him.

I believe that the films were trying to portray, among other things, one of life's many lessons. That is, to stay strong and to change with the times.

What do you all think?

"The toe you stepped on yesterday may be attached to the ass you have to kiss today."
-Former Mayor of Providence, RI, Vincent "Buddy" Cianci