No more daily line-up changes now - no more last night tweaking (well of lineups)

I don't know about anyone else but setting today was really tough - with the playoffs starting in a few days and games meaning nothing for a good many teams and pitchers being rested. My first PS choice was the SCRubbies, but the 2 Ws and Houston lose, I heard late that Wood is not pitching today and will start Tuesday, so they were out. SF conceding the home field to and all agreed NOT to play the game tomorrow so they will not have the travel day - so they were out. A lot of other thoughts went into it also - but in the end I took St. Louis - in short so I would have one more day to talk about my Woody. :p I sit squarely between Pork and Satan so I need my Woody to go really deep today. :rolleyes:

Ok now that I got that out of my system. I also picked a few Phillies. One being the Atlanta game means nothing to the Braves, I would hope a lot of starters don't play and today is the last day for the Vet so they are having a big boo-yah down there so the Phils want to go out with a Win. We'll see if that strategy works out well or not.

Funny thing about the Vet. The staduim before the Vet was Connie Mack. On it's last day many of the fans came to the game with tools since they were aloud to take the stadium apart for souveniers. One guy went to the bathroom in the 7th inning of that game and came back to find his seat gone - true story. They even took urinals - go figure. People were leaving with seats, padding from the dugout - the benches - the dirt - the police were able to save home plate but just barely. A helicopter was supposed to come into the stadium and using some wire pick up home plate and fly over the the new stadium - when all the fans rushed the field at the end and the helicopter tried to get somewhat near the stadium the dust etc was all over they had to call it off. Leave it to the Philly fans - you can tell your friends and neighbors that story over dinner now.

So I guess all that is left is to watch the games and see where we all end up. DB you got first so you are the 2nd half champion and nobody will be able to take that away from you - are you gonna make up a new avatar now ? Of course don't get too full of yourself - does anybody really remember who won the first half ?

All I remember from the first half is that I started 10 days late - have I ever mentioned that before ?