Pork you are a brave man picking the YankMees. I was thinking about them but they are on my do NOT pick PS list. Last night the SCrubbies were added to that list - they suck ass DB.

I actually thought that most players may not play both games so I tried to mix it up a bit. Of course since I don't have the Yanks pitching staff I am hoping for a high scoring game(s).

And Buffy and 16 years - congrats. Wow and a flat screen monitor You know nothing says I'll marry you all over again more than a computer monitor. :p What happened to the good ole days when you showed someone how you felt about them with music and flower(s) ? Well hope you 'kids' have a fun anniversary weekend. I understand Pork is counting on you being hmm busy to post a W. PL is still concentrating on baseball so I will take a W there. And well we all know what DB said about Beth. Foh shizzle