Hey guys, today is my 16 YEAR wedding anniversary! (Yep, I was a child bride marrying at 15 )

He bought me a huge flat screen computer monitor. The romance is still alive and well after all these years But he said it is so " I can see my baseball better" Awwww. Sweet. I DO believe he is coming around. Of course, I had tickets to a show I want to go to in December tucked under my pillow last night, so that was sweet too.

This time of year, baseball season winds down and I always check to see if I am still married or if I have finally driven the whole family mad with my small obsession.

Perhaps tonight, I don't turn on games OR Sportscenter? Think that is possible????

Tonight it probably IS possible. What, and watch you bunch of you scrubs rack up a ton of points? I already feel ill. What a way to wrap up my season

btw - Big Daddy....thanks for nothing. That was the classic "right back atcha" to me

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....