Originally posted by Beth E:
I felt like singing, "Hey, hey we're the Monkies".

There ya go. That can be our theme song. Ok, Mr. Multi Task Master. Come up with lyrics for our new jingle.
Here's the best I could do on short notice....

Hey hey we're all junkies
Fantasy Baseball's the game
Hey hey we're all junkies
And JG's the one we should blame

Hey hey we all play it
It's stupid but we don't care
Hey hey we're all junkies
But none of us will play it next year

Hey hey we disklike it
It's a game that's easy to hate
And that's true for Big Daddy
Even though he started ten days late

Hey hey we can't stand it
But we're all having some fun
We all know the basics
Except for young Father's Son

Hey hey it's disgusting
Many fine days it did spoil
Except for old O.A.
He's too busy with olive oil

Hey hey this murder
A game that's really unfair
Our poor consigliere
It caused him to lose all his hair

Hey hey I'm a winner
I'm proud and my name is P.L.
But my deal with the devil
Will cause me to wind up in hell

Hey hey, I'm H. Hagen
I'm playing, but not exactly
I'm doing so poorly
I may ADOPT new strategy

(More to follow, maybe)

"Difficult....not impossible"