Is the last game we play on Sunday?
Regular season ends Sunday, 9/28. There are games that day so that will probably be our last day.

So what do we love most...the game or competing against each other???
Neither. I vote for the stimulator, I mean, the simulator!

What do we do after Sunday? I lose my nice, comfortable, fun place to come to at 8:05 in the morning and will miss not seeing it at midnight before I turn in.
You move into the fantasy football thread where guys avoid being beaten by "chicks".

What will do during his 3 am pee break if he can't watch weather and crunch salary numbers?
More time to look at porn!

What will I do at lunchtime now if there are no rosters to put together?
More time for

What will the Doucheman do at 1pm EST when there are no Cubbies to watch and commentate on?
Ponder the sad existence that is the Bears.

What will Big Daddy do without his Wood to play with?
Like he always says, he always has Wood to play with. By the way, one of these days, you'll go blind.

What will Pork do when he can't change people's names to reflect their Pussada and Sorryano.
It's alright. Pork will be focusing greatly on football so, you know, he won't forget to set his team. :p

What game is Bethie gonna quit now???
I don't know, but my first guess is Monopoly.