I had a similar experience.

I picked mt team during the day yesterday, and had the Cubs PS, plus Sosa, Ramirez, Wilson, etc.

After seeing the weather forecast before going to bed, I decided to set my alarm for 2:30 and redo my team if the forecast was the same.

Same thing; no access. I re-booted twice before getting back on at about 2:53. Also panicking and sweating. I switched my PS to the Dodgers, which immediately put me over the cap, and started changing players. I was stll over the cap at about 2:59, so I reduced by taking Endy Chavez in CF, for 3.4. Even if the game is played, he wouldn't figure to play anyway (lefty vs. Glavine).

I ain't happy with my team for tomorrow, but I sure feel your pain (seriously, man).

Solace is, I think I saw DB with Sosa and Ramirez. The DH is (hopefully) a lock to be rained out.

"Difficult....not impossible"