Post Master General
US Govt
Washington DC

Dear Sir / Madam;

Let me introduce myself.
That means that I pay your salary.

Now since that is clear I would like to
complain about a letter I sent to San Francisco
that was never delivered.

It was to a good friend of mine Mr. Jason Schmitt.
I needed a very big favor from him and because of
the complete incompetence of your entire organization, he never received it.

I had the opportunity to move into second place in my fantasy baseball league - instead I remain in third. There are only about 10 or 11 games left and I have no room to dilly-dally with incompetent people like those employed by your organization.

I would hope that this matter receives your immediate attention based upon it's critical nature. I plan to be sending a message similar to the one I sent to Mr. Schmidt daily over the next two weeks and I do not expect another incident such as this.

Pissed and Angry

Plawrence (3rd Place Fantasy Baseball Player)