So I wake up this morning - busy morning so far and I see I moved into 4th place - all by me lonesome. And contrary to popular belief I am NOT here to gloat nor trash talk to Buffy - I am way above that. See I understand that Buffy takes her sports very seriously and that she is an avid baseball fanatic. I, on the other hand have given up on baseball in 1993 when the Phils last went to the World Series, I could hardly tell you anyone on any other team before I can snookered into this stupid ass game. So NO - I will not point out the fact that this novice baseball following is beating her in her own game - NO I won't do that. Secondly I will continue to take the high road because I also understand that this has been a very rough week for Buffy. She had the embarrassing situation of getting kicked out of not 1 but 2 survivor pools - (desperate to the point of wanting all to start over, some Loser Pool or something like that) and is so far down the bottom of the Pigskin Pickem, her and PL can waterproof the basement together. And NO I will not mention to her that HH who is not even playing has more points than her this week. Nope can't do that and won't do that. And as part of me taking the high road - instead I will offer some advice to Buffy, something that I often think about when I am down and blue - in the hopes that in some small way it helps.

Buffy don't worry, don't be blue - remember no matter how dark and bleak it may look today that
The sun'll come out tomorrow.

You know I'm certain that you can Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow There'll be sun!

And remember Just thinkin' about Tomorrow

Well that just Clears away the cobwebs, and the sorrow

All of them 'Til there's none!

You know When I'm stuck a day That's gray, And lonely,

As you are today - wanna know what I do ?

I just stick out my chin And Grin, And Say,

Oh The sun'll come out Tomorrow

You know it will but until than ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow - Come what may


I love ya
You're always A day A way!

Gee, taking this high road crap does make me feel all kind of 'mushy' inside now.