General Random Thoughts to Start off the Day to get rid of those pesky crickets...

- What exactly is Monty Python? I've never seen any of the films. Also, what is a National Lampoon?

- How great would it be for an all Chicago World Series! I mean this city would absolutely go berserk. Also, it will take our attentions away from the Bears.

- I just bought The Recruit. Any of you seen it? Al Pacino was great in it and Briget Moynihan is absolutely hot.

- I still wish that one of you had Atlanta last night!

- Some pretty key pieces of Iggles defense might be out next week. I hope I have a good backup defense. Care to share any news, Bad Daddy!

- Does a hit-by-pitch count as a point (as a base) in our game?

- Congrats Bethie on your 3003rd post! Nice and symmetrical!

- Plaw has been conspicuously absent lately. Must be putting in some late hours on his book "How I Expect to Do Really Well in Pigskin Pick'em".

- David Ortiz is the second half's Corey Patterson.

- Johan Santana is the second half's C.C. Sabathia.

- I will never pick Dontrelle (unless I do).

- The Bears will be lucky to win 5 games this year.