As part of Buffy/DS bet, the loser had to write for the winner a tribute/cheesy poem... Here goes:

Beaten, battered, badgered were the Bears
Unfolding like a bad script
Forty-niners too strong, too fast
Fast like a race car, strong like oxen
Yes, Buffy, the Niners ruled the day.

The horror, the horror, as once said by Kurtz
Had nothing on the Bears' hurtz
Evermore, nevermore (until next Sunday)

Now on to Buffy, who
Insists she is all woman
No, she is wrong.
Ever-present sports fan, it is true
Reread if you must
She is all-woman... times two.

So now comes the end as
Tributes are wont do
In football, there are winners and losers
Now that the Niners have won,
Know this... La Dolce Vita, yes life is