Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

Have you guys noticed... we seem to be branching out into other threads- most fantasy-related, but still, other threads.
Yes. I come out of my shell with something sports related or competitive in nature (<----like me ) I can only talk about movies so much and these days I am talked out and I care zilch about rich, fake celebrities...give me a rich, fake guy swinging a bat anytime :rolleyes:

Sports. Cards. Music. Oh and the other thing I can't mention on a PG-13 board. I'll talk all day.

Oh and you think I didn't get the sick feeling in my stomach looking at the PS picks? I long to be by myself and then when I am, it is like !!

Big Daddy has been nipping at my um, heels...for like 3 straight weeks now, not hardly ever being more than 5 points behind me. I am scared each day that he is gonna pass me.

I think tonight we will probably seperate by more than 5 points. We'll see!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....