Originally posted by plawrence:

PL 1666
Hmm, notice anything 'devilish' about this picture? I can't bet on it, but I think that is the 2nd time he has scored that number this game...

Yo Quitter! Yeah Bethie - I mean you. You have the nerve to show your Bon Jovi face here? How do you sleep at night not knowing what place you'd be in - or better put - which two guys (or gal ) you'd be sandwiched in between?

You've got some 'splainin' to do. Quitting is for wusses!

And no, I NEVER get pissed. Are you kidding? I am remarkably optimistic. Mildly annoyed? Yeah, sometimes. But not any longer than about a minute and a half.....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....