Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
I remember when you playfully scolded Bethie when she broke the news on Corey Patterson. :p
Oh I remember that day like it was yesterday! Only because JG got to her to scold her before I did!

There are so few "tidbits" I know...yes I can be so selfish

And FS - just a wee bit of advice here, if I may...

Some of us (well, maybe only ME )don't travel to or read other threads at all. If you keep mentioning other people's names on THIS thread who don't frequent here or have an interest in baseball then you won't be surprised to find them all here some day. I don't mind saying that would really ruin my normally perky, happy days. Of all people, of course *I* don't mind going off-topic but let's be reasonable!

Just my 2 cents.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....