Guess I can ALWAYS use the excuse that I am always 2 hours behind you guys. It is early here and when you seldom get to bed before one of 's pee breaks....well, the brain functions slowly.

I must have to get out more. Missed the convo about the 5 families. If it is a thread somewhere else, then that would explain it. Although if someone intelligent and interesting would post there and I would see their name as "last post", I might be inclined to go there. Otherwise, I just take advantage of Pork's ESPN sub site and I am perfectly happy. I am ALMOST ready for football season too - see my signature?

DoucheMan: Sept 7th!!!!

My friend is actually going to that game in Chicago - he has family there. I know a few people in the area. I'll ask you some day if you know them. Would be wild if we had the same contacts

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....