Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
DS - I think FS was referring to Pork's earlier message on the various games he plays - fantasy sites - etc.
Oh, I see... never mind, FS.

Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
But DS - hope everything goes well with your move tomorrow - hope all is completed as you want and that you get everything moved in 1 piece - especially that video like game that you have. Seriously though good luck with all that - it's always a bit exciting but moving is never that much fun.
Thanks for the shoutout BD. Oh, the joys of home ownership... :rolleyes: So I call today to set up my coming in tomorrow and to confirm that the end date was in fact August 21st... Nope, they said it was August 31st. Anyway, I have it in writing that that the date is August 21st. I am coming tomorrow and if I'm not happy with what they've done, heads will roll.

Alright, serenity now!

In any case, it looks like I'm moving late next week instead of this week like I thought...