If it seems as thought I'm beating this horse to death, it's only because I find it interesting for some reason.

4 ofensive players from the Mets, 26 points
Rockies PS, -13 points
Net result, plus 13 points.

Was this sound strategy? Did it work? Was the move profitable?
Here's the way I figure it:

A good day in this game is 60 points. ( offensive players, 4 at bats each, 36 at bats, one point for each at bat, 36 points in offense
Add another 24 points for pitching .

60% of your points from offense
40% of your points from pitching.

So today, SC used 40% of his total for his PS,
and 4 of his 9 offensive players, or 44% of the remaining 60%, or 26%. So he used 66% of his total to gain 13 points.

With about 20 offensive at bats left for his 5 players, on average he can expect another 20 points or so.

Which would leave him with a 33 point total for the day.

Now, if he had taken the Mets, PS......

"Difficult....not impossible"