Originally posted by fathersson:
It gets to the point where you hate to give up a player because of his value, only to replace him with another less valuable person for one day. Makes you feel like you are sliding backwards.
I may be the minority here (and what the heck does a currently 5th place person know ANYway ) but I never have a problem letting people go. I have an attention span of a gnat and get bored too easy.

I have always maintained it makes the game more interesting when the values are higher because then not everyone has the same "heavy hitters" and it is a challenge to find those "diamonds in the rough" who can smack the ball out and the RBI's in for less money.

Everyone can have an A-Rod, a Delgado, a Sosa. But when the values are this high, most people can only afford one, maybe two at the most and the challenge lies therein to find a cheaper slugger. More fun, I say

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....