Originally posted by plawrence:

Picking on only one girl all the time is no fun, although I will say she gives as good as she gets.
Yep, I'm a giver.

Hard to believe since I woke up this morning STILL in 5th place

Ok, I have counted to 10 and to hell with the jinx...

The only thing that could have given me greater joy yesterday than watching LA score 10 runs against the Cubbies would have been to watch them score 11. Sweet justice for what happened to ME the day before. Kept hoping Shawn Green would score the final RBI - sweet, sweet justice indeed.

Imagine after seeing the Oakland score yesterday of 6-4 how I felt later when I saw that only one run was earned! Nice.

I've been home all weekend so I truly have no excuse if I crash and burn this weekend....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....