Originally posted by plawrence:

PL 1351 Cubs
DB 1340 Cubs
JG 1278 Cubs
LD 1277 W Sox
BD 1260 W Sox
Even with MY fuzzy math ability, I can see that today is going to be a mover/shaker day. Gotta root for my homeboy Dodgers - EVEN with that rookie pitching for them, gotta hope Green & Company can just hit till there is no tomorrow!! Of course I wasn't the first one to let go of Sosa...don't know if anyone else did. But I will settle on a score of Dodgers 15, Cubs 5.

One point behind Pork? Gosh, c'mon! Let me enter the weekend AT LEAST at third!! That would make my day!

As for commercials? The other day I was arguing with my girlfriend over beer. She kept saying it tasted great. I said it was less filling. It got really heated, it was really embarrassing - before we knew it we were causing a scene fighting, clawing at our clothes and finally ended up in the pool half naked all over each other. You'd think those beer guys would advertise better the truth about their beers so us ladies would not have to put on such a public display....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....