Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
DB - learn from the Master. Do not let ANYONE influence you in things of a sports nature.
Oh yes, I forgot to respond to this... Thanks for reminding me, plaw!

You know, Buffy, you are so full of helpful tips... home decorating, fantasy strategy, poker strategy... The list goes on and on! You are like Martha Stewart, Dr. Phil and Johnny Chan rolled up into one!

Yes, that will be the last time anyone ever influences my fantasy picks. Ever. Those 15 points could have come in really handy. Vaulted me into first place, it would have. Why do I suddenly feel like Yoda.

As for your other advice...

Let others decide where you go to dine out... Just as long as it's not Mexican. Gives me indigestion.

Let them pick out your clothes, if they have good taste, of course... Definitely if the one picking is a girl. They usually have better taste than men.

Let them drive your car every now and then... It's about freaking time someone else drives.

Say yes to silk scarves and candle wax - JUST ONCE... Like plaw said, "Just once?"

Tell them you love their mother/boss/effeminate brother/dog/cat - NO not their hot sister... But why not their hot sister?? Reminds me of that beer commercial- the one where the guy is stuck between two roommates and one of the hot roommates says, "Why don't you just date both of us?" or the other beer commercial when the guy is over at a girl's place and her twin sister comes home and he decides to get two beers and a voiceover goes on "Never miss a good opportunity"

O.K., that's enough beer commercials.

All good advice (except for the hot sister part!)