Random Thought/Things that make you go hmmmmm:

I KNOW what looks like - yet I picture him in real life as Paulie Walnuts. Scowl and all!

I KNOW what SC looks like, yet I picture him more like Bogey.

I picture Pork like this ----> Not sure why. But wearing a red and white striped shirt, for sure.

I KNOW what Bad Daddy looks like. I was lucky enough to see when he posted his pic for all of 2 1/2 seconds. Guys, he is hot! was a fool for dumping him! But I can only picture him with a bullet in his head now. Although I kinda liked the "legs" picture he used for about a week. But cannot picture him as Austin Powers at all...

DoucheBigalow: From what I know of you - you look NOTHING like your Pacino pic. That is ok, I am painting my own picture of a young professinal martial arts banker. Watch , I hear he is looking to replace Bad Daddy.

I KNOW what Bethie looks like. Oddly enough, nothing like Jon Bon Jovi!

The rest of the gang, I have no idea. My first instinct is that fathersson needs a shower judging from his avatar, and judging Jo Jo's rants, I picture him like the lovesick Pepe Le Pew with like all these cartoon hearts circling around his head....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....