Point 1 - I have never seen any of those reality shows but I did surf by Paradise Hotel the other night. Not sure what the premise is or how the heck you win this game but basically they put a bunch of hot guys with a bunch of hot girls and then you get to choose who you want to room with. Not a bad premise if you don't mind being filmed in bed with a guy or changing clothes or wearing the all important fashion staple - the bikini. It is a fab resort, they wait on you hand and foot, so sure I would do it....

Point 2 - Seeing how Pork was nowhere in sight last night and posted the standings early this morning, my guess is Pork pulled an all-nighter and is recovering. But he will say he is working

Point 3 - I quote movie AND song quotes ALL the time and I am the only person I know in this STATE I think that knows the GF. I once told my coworker not to worry because "it's between the brothers, Kay". Problem is his name is Chris and he now thinks I am crazy....I'm getting pretty used to the strange looks around here now....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....