Here's a random thought:

What about all the people who joined only to quit? What were they afraid of? The um, half hour :rolleyes: a day it takes to make up a decent roster? Can't be the trash girls are the tamest bunch of crows I have ever seen. And I think HH should be banned permanantly for basically giving Pork the bird ( ) by naming his team "Pork This". Wow, if that isn't in your face, I don't know what is

And Bethie. You guys should be thanking her for finding something else to do with her time. She was giving a few of us a run for our money there a time or two and now that is one less egg to fry, one less wad of gum to step over. I actually called her the other day to say "wassup". I'm telling you - if THAT girl is from Baltimore, I will eat my hat. Georgia is more like it judging from the accent. I know a few of you guys know what I am talking about....

But what do I know. I sound like a Canadian, ay?

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....