DoucheMan, your Cubbies ROCKED! I watched that game on TV when I got home.

Yes, I truly need to go with my first instinct FOR SURE from now on *note to self*...

Basically as I was doing my roster, someone close to me was looking over my shoulder saying "you're gonna take the Yankees over KC?? Are you nuts?" I said "go away, you who knows nothing about the sport" which he replied "you would be crazy, do you know what KC's record is" which I replied "how the heck would you know any baseball records? When is the last time you actually watched a game voluntarily in which I didn't monopolize every TV in the house?" He said "you're gonna be sorry if you pick the sorry Yankees". Momentary freak out and 2 minutes later I was picking the Giants. Good thing too, I honestly considered the Braves!

Moral: Never let others influence your gut instinct! Although the furious ass kissing afterwards eases the pain a little bit.

Ironically, I picked the Giants again today. Of my own free will of course . Of course, there is always the flu meds to blame - just in case....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....