Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

- A lot of players that we picked in the first half aren't picked that much anymore. Remember the days we all had Patterson ...
I agree! I remember when my favorite players to start were Eric Byrnes, Brian Roberts, Alex Cintron and Matt Kata (yum!! ) then I would round it out with Nady and Gallarraga. Now most of these guys seem to not have as many at-bats. Scrubs...all of them until the salaries are so high, I am picking through the bottom of the barrel again.

I agree with your thoughts on PS's. I'll bet if I made a list of PS's I have picked since Day One, the A's and Seattle would top that list.

More random thoughts:

DoucheMan: Why do the Cubbies employ so many pitchers who wear puka shells? Are these gems (the shells, not the pitchers )found in Lake Michigan? I can't decide if I like that look or not. Is that a metrosexual look?

Also, everyone seems to have a different or almost unflattering nickname (or like Prince and , just a symbol...) noone ever calls SC anything but that. How come?

I believe we have become so predicatable in our habits that we can probably set our watches to the hour by when some of us are gonna post here. I think the busiest time is somwhere between 6-8 pm (Eastern, of course....am I the only one in Mountain?) when all the gang seems to be here at the same time.

Which makes me ponder - the football fantasy season is going to be very, very slow.

But I dislike this game immensely. I may not play next year.....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....