I would like to say that I think it is unfair for me to lose points and a 'ranking' because of a double header while I was on vacation. It was bad enough that I even took the little time I had to try and make roster changes with a 'wireless' connection which of course was not the fastest. To even look at a site outside of the ESPN was difficult to say the least and since ESPN didn't say anything about the DH, I was screwed. I don't think I am playing anymore.

And although that is what I would like to say, I realize it would be like sour grapes and many may confuse it with some of my 'right on' impressions of someone such as 'here is the weekend, I will be busy - time to crash and burn' :p so I will not do that.

Instead I will take the high road and say to the two prick scumbags that took advantage of the DH yesterday - good job. Gee, I am such a sportsman. :rolleyes:

I didn't miss it today and I wanted to take one of the PS but just couldn't.

And staying on 'biz-ness' a bit I was following some of the DBacks game last night since I had their PS. Webb is going into the 6th inning with no runs scored or anything and I think maybe 4 hits yet they changed pitchers - WTF is that all about. It's funny it wasn't too long ago that I remember maybe a relief pitcher coming in the 9th inning once in a while and sometimes the 8th once in a blue morning - minus any major whoppings a team may experience when they had to bring one in early. Now it seems that hardly anyone goes past the 6th or 7th inning. Now it gets noted when a guy pitches a complete game, 10 years ago it was noted if he didn't. Anyway the relief pitching screwed me over with the DBacks game - this game sucks, have I mentioned I might not play anymore.

At least football is starting, now there is a sport where I don't miss too many things - oh and no DHs either.