Yep, I imagine that is about how it will go. My boss is a little TOO hands off. I imagine our whole conversation will last all of 5 minutes. I always get the stellar review go, figure. Now, about that raise.....

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Buffy: Well, I finished in 3rd place for the first half of the season. Totally bogus.
Too scary DB! "bogus" is the word I throw around work all the time. All my work passwords etc. are "bogus".

And for you sneaky types, I use it only in work, so don't think you can come in and mess with my roster . Though my fantasy team IS pretty bogus, I use that other password - the one I gave y'all already - "ecnahCtaF"........

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....