Boss: So how do you think you can become more efficient?

Buffy: Well, I wish there was a website such as so that I can go there to find out where it's raining? Also and is pretty self explanatory!

Boss: Very good. I'll see what we can do. How well are you relating to your peers?

Buffy: Hmmm... Interesting question... There is a guy I call the devil every now and then. It's all in fun though. Also, I'm sick and tired of people who have curses. They drag me and my team down. I do like guys who talk about their Wood a lot though.

Boss: They drag your work team down?

Buffy: No, my fantasy baseball team silly.

Boss: Oh, I should have known. A couple of more questions... How would you rate your performance this first part of the year?

Buffy: Well, I finished in 3rd place for the first half of the season. Totally bogus. I started two days late so I can make an argument* that I'm in 2nd*. Right now, I'm not doing so bad. I'm at the top of my game, giving a hundred and ten percent and believe you me, giving more than a hundred percent is nearly impossible.

Boss: Good for you Buffy. One last question... If there's anything you can change, what would that be?

Buffy: The first thing would have been Karros... goatee... enough said. But since that's already done, I would have to say getting , Bad Daddy, SC, and Pork off my butt. And one other thing... no more dumb chick jokes!