The most touching scenes for me are as follows in order of most to least:

1. The scene on the ship when all the immigrants saw the Statue of Liberty--my grandfather was 9 years old (about the same age as little Vito when he came to this country). What must those people must have felt at that moment?

2. When Vito brought the pear to his wife as a little present despite the fact that he just lost his job, and how he kissed her before they started eating their dinner. Very sweet!

3. When Vito held baby Santino in his arms (picking him up from his little crib) and how the little baby cooed at him. Again, very touching.

4. When older Vito presented his daughter at her wedding and then danced with her. Made me think of my own dad.

5. And any other scenes with Marlon Brando and how he loved his family.

~~ Lollie

"Sono una roccia; Sono un'isola...una roccia non ritiene dolore; un'isola non grida mai."