'k. Pick the flavor. But remember, I have the yoga(o) trained legs. I will crush you. But it will most likely be fun to watch.

Speaking of men....*OFF-TOPIC ALERT*, just as in the 80's we had catch phrases, most notably YUPPIES and DINKS and GUPPIES or whatever...now the new catch phrase appears to be:

Metrosexuals. read on:

So what makes a metrosexual man? He's been defined as a straight, sensitive, well-educated, urban dweller who is in touch with his feminine side. He may have a standing appointment for a weekly manicure, and he probably has his hair cared for by a stylist rather than a barber. He loves to shop, he may wear jewelry, and his bathroom counter is most likely filled with male-targeted grooming products, including moisturizers (and perhaps even a little makeup). He may work on his physique at a fitness club (not a gym) and his appearance probably gets him lots of attention -- and he's delighted by every stare...

Um. Ok. Two Words:

No Thanks.

Or two MORE words:

I'll pass.

Unless of course this describes any of our WONDERFUL men on this thread :rolleyes: , then you just go be all the beautiful man you can be!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....