Answer #1 - I answered already - I wouldn't have bet against the Cubs - with hitters like Sosa, Grudz and Alou. Oh and Karros on every blue moon that falls on a Tuesday.

Answer #2 - I usually do up a roster during the day, maybe around lunch time. Just in case I do not make it home by the 2 am deadline It is always my intention to "tweak" a bit at night depending on such factors as time, privacy and sobriety. The previous night's PS performance doesn't usually sway me from my original pick - BUT I do look for broken arms, legs and wood.

And no, I don't EVEN look at the weather. Though I know I should, but sheesh, this takes too long as it is!!

Basically all this picking is a crap shoot. The operative word in that sentence being CRAP!

I wonder what happened to 's book he was penning? All that expertise in the first half....what ever became of all that?

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....