Originally posted by Beth E:
I'm holding my own.
Your holding your own what ? On second thought, I don't think I want to know. :p So let me explain - in this there is no holding your own - you are either in 1st place - or you are not - it is that simple. Of course I would be in first if I didn't have something like -50 from my PS the first week.

So of course in cyperspace - we really don't know each other and are unaware of other's talents. I have a few unique talent's but can't discuss on a public board though. :rolleyes: However one I can is I do some impressions so here you go the first an oldie but goodie;

Hmm enough of the sexual innuendos - can we please get back to busness here?

And my new one - let me know if you can guess who it is

Well I am finally back in first and of course it happens on Friday when we all know I am scarce on the weekends so with my luck my stay will be shortlived and I'll probably be back in the basement come Monday.

Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week and twice on Sunday.