Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
Hey DS - regarding the above - I am looking for the Emoticon / Smilie of the guy grabbing his crotch sayin "I got your Center For Disease Control Right Here"
It's nice to see that you haven't lost your form after your one day disappearance, Bad Daddy. Anyway, while you and your emoticon are down there grabbing your crotch, doctors say it's good to cough a couple of times. [Cough] [cough]!

Oh yea, the bleeding has ended at -35. :p

Originally posted by Big Daddy Don: Hey what are you doing out of your fourth place standing anyway - just streatching some?
Yea, I figured I should broaden my horizon, see the sights beyond fourth place. But you know what, it's better than being in second place. Seriously, first place is happy because he/she won. Third place is thinking, "At least I won something." Second place is like giving a person a large chocolate cookie without milk. Poetic, I know...

So who was in second place, JG* or the honorary recepient, Buffy??