Ha, Bad Daddy, I was gonna say herpes, but I didn't want that vision in my head. Surely the Pork curse isn't THAT bad?? Maybe like an annoying wart or bunion?

Well DB, I NEVER watch late night talk shows but I was in between the Elimindate channel and Blind Date channel and saw this cute guy...looked closer and it was Zito.

Wondered if anyone that saw him would care to comment on his attire. He looked like he was the lead singer of Train or something. Some weird burnt orange pants, a matching shirt that looked at first like it had ruffles (reminiscent of a prom tuxedo circa 1978) but I think at second glance, it was just a design. Sleeves were a bit short for his arms and cut down the by the sides of his wrists. Funky, clunky shoes. Handsome, HANDSOME face - looks so young! I think he is about 25 now but very cute. Letterman asked him if he ever hit a mascot with a bat I think he was gonna go up on the roof and throw balls into windows of other buildings. My attention span is only like <--> that so I surfed channels from then on and forgot to go back.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....