Some observations I had on last night's All-Star hoopla, or what I like to call the Parade of Pitchers:

1. Richie Sexson is FREAKISHLY tall.

2. I wonder what it would be like to be at a Boone Family Reunion. Pod people at best. Aaron will be forever known as the "cute" or "hot" one. He somehow escaped that spaced out dweeb look the rest of them seem to have - he is very easy on the eyes.

3. Who told Amy Grant she could sing? Or at best, sing live? Ugh! One of the worst renditions of the song I have ever heard. Funny thing, is she actually looked a bit pissed as if she KNEW she was horrible. Oh, and the camera WAS NOT kind to her.

4. And, As Douche-Man already pointed out...Gagne blew the save?? Unfreakinbelievable!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....