Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

Hey Buffy, just caught that the Dodgers picked up Rickey Henderson as well. I guess they needed to meet their almost-illiterate self-involved although previously great baseball player quota.
Unfreakinbelievable - for a number of reasons. I used to follow the A's back in the late 80's/early 90's when they were hot - McGwire, Canseco, Eckersley, Broshious, Baines, Rickey and Dave H. My pre-married surname was Henderson and I was such a fanatic when I watched games, people wondered if I was somehow RELATED to the Henderson boys

Also until last year, our farm team here was the Dodgers. It was here that I got to see players like Karros and Piazza come play off their injuries. As you can imagine, I saw Karros quite frequently - that bad back of his . Now the city bought a new Triple A team last year and it is now a branch of the Marlins. I have yet to go to a game this summer with the new team and have not been keeping up with the minor leagues much anymore. Most of these people let go today I haven't even heard of. And Rickey? Hadn't given him a thought in a looong time. How OLD is he anyway?

The Dodgers are already plagued with injuries - mostly in their PS....are these trades gonna help at all?

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....