Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

Player Most Likely to Have a Curse Named After [b]Her
: Bethie. The first half, the Bethie curse really didn't do any damage, save a few points here and there. Come second half, we will all see the full brunt of this dreaded curse. As Kurtz said, "The horror... The horror..."

I am looking forward to all the mayhem I can cause. Finally, someone knows not to mess with a woman on a mission. But so far the only recipient I have a potion set on is Bad Daddy. The first to be cursed are the 1st to go down in flames. I'm thinking Bad Daddy needs Fathersson to give him the name of his decorator. He'll be the one redecorating.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.