I have to admit it did end on somewhat of a 'mushy' note. All the battle for second and third and today Geoff gives second place to Buffy - what a freakin Wussy :p . Hell with all the love today, I felt like it was almost all girls in this except for the 1 1/2 half that we actually had . And such little gloating from PL - I am disappointed in you - hey knowing where your GF grew up she can certainly give you pointers in gloating and boasting - although you had little problem with it up to today.

And speaking of fighting for second and third - who really cares who is second anyway - you two should have been fighting for first - instead you concerned yourselves with the other giving PL a free ride. Of course all that will change - because thank goodness we are not gonna have to listen to BB and FS complain how they had to start 10 weeks late - was I the only one tired of hearing that lame ass excuse??