Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
DoucheMan - a FINE contender. But man, 269 behind the top three? I see you putting your game face on as we speak. Or at least when you wake up on Thursday
Just taking my time, Buffy, taking my time! :p Everyone knows this game begins in the 2nd half!

In any case, here are my thoughts on the first half:

- MVP: Plaw. Congrats on your fine play this first half. You managed to avoid most curses and able to find gems in your line-up. I believe your players were corking their bat though!

- Comeback Player: Bad Daddy. His rise from the basement was pretty impressive. And to think about it, did you all know he started 10 games late? Think of all the negative points he could have gotten! Too bad about the curse though.

- Trash Talker Award: Tie- Buffy and Pork (in that order since Pork has an asterisk!) You two are pros at talking trash. I think the back and forth at the end of the season helped your cause. Honorable mentions go to Plaw, Bad Daddy and Bethie. I am admittedly an amateur.

- Rookie of the Year: Tie- Basement Bethie and Fatherson. You two can stop carrying our bags in the second half!

- Player Most Likely to Play with an Injured Player for a Week: Our consigliere, SC. You shouldn't have let him know, JG! :p

- Potential Surprise Player for the 2nd Half: Watchout for JJ. He might do a couple of things- which might amount to a 6th or 7th place finish, but still- surprising. :p

- Other than myself, Player Most Likely to Win 2nd Half: Plaw. Until you knock him out, it's still his game to lose. Watch out for the first loser and second loser of the first half though- JG and Buffy could pull it out.