Good morning!

3rd place? well, I guess bronze DOES go with my tan

Congrats to - way to get out of a bet. Did you REALLY not want to have dinner with me THAT bad???Ah, your loss

Ok, so my Griswald moment came early at Coors Field. I'll have you know I DID make it on the giant many major league games that I have been to, I have NEVER fought for a foul or home run ball. I always say let the other peeps gouge an eye out for it. But we were sitting in row 20 behind home plate and Dave Ross fouled it off behind him and of course I am talking away to people around me and I look up and there is the ball but it LOOKS like it is going to go way behind us.....before I can even THINK about it, it comes down, hits me on the outside of my left calf, basically bounces off and lands in my daughter's friend's hands two seats down. It was her birthday, so I was happy she caught it. People around me (who seemed a bit peeved that I was cheering for the Coors field, go figure...) teased me the rest of the game about me getting my "Dodger Blue" in the form of the huge bruise on my leg....when the attendant asked if there was anything I needed, I figured I couldnt ask to meet Eric Karros anymore so said, no, no thank you.

Otherwise, good game....Dodgers lost. Helton had a great night (2 homers) but at least it was exciting. Coors is a great field, I love it, havent been there since last year and the downtown area after the game is GREAT!

Sucks to come back when it is all over. I missed the fat lady sing! Feel like I had been asleep during the most important last lap of the race. But I spent alot of time at the ESPN Zone so I followed alot of the games there.

You KNOW I will be around for Round 2.

And let me say this sincerely: Everyone played a good and clean game - and I consider everyone a formidable foe for next game.

But! No more Ms. nice gal. I will use whatever means necessary to stay on top this time....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....