Man, has it been a rough weekend... Friends of mine were at the Chicago "porch" party, which was literally 2 blocks from my apartment. Luckily, most were inside when it happened. One was outside (on the second floor porch) but she only sustained scratches and bruises and had to get some stitches. Unfortunately, she was outside with a close friend of hers (who I didn't know) and he wasn't able to make it. The way they describe it to me- it was just complete nightmare and chaos. I was in the hospital 3 AM Sunday morning making sure everyone was alright. I guess the best I could do is be supportive- giving people rides when they need it or just listening. JG... you were a counselor, right?... Any ideas on grief counseling?? Thanks.

P.S. Sorry to get off-topic from Fantasy, but I figure you guys are the ones on this board that I would think of telling anyway.