Ha! PL is worried about the Pork overtaking him....hmm, I must be chopped liver. I admit, I would be hard pressed to make up 150 points and then some, ESPECIALLY with my roster today ....

I had a date yesterday which started about noon time, I just got home a few hours ago...WHICH MEANS I did not make it home last night to change my roster WHICH MEANS I still have the YankME/Mutts Doubleheader scrub team with YankMe pitching WHICH MEANS I am kicking the aforementioned backside because I kinda knew who I WANTED to take WHICH MEANS there is a possibility I crash and burn muy badly today.

But it is the weekend. Would I REALLY expect to get ahead?? :rolleyes:

Yes, I said "ahead". I meant "forward", though.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....