How much of you does your woman need, PL??? The way I see it there are 24 hours in a day....

Work = 8 hours (social interraction with friends, email correspondence, setting up appointments, booking travel arrangements, lunch, etc..)

sleep = roughly 5 hours (that you are in REM and not doing said adult activities, even half-assed)

Game on the tube = 3 hours (if you are really efficient, here is where you eat and maybe shower during the commercials - although showering may fall under heading of adult activities)

That roughly leaves 8 hours daily left over. 8 hours is quite a long time if you have already eaten and/or showered AND interracted with friends and family. Hell, even if you give your family HALF of that - you are still left with 240 minutes every day multiplied by 7 days is one thousand six hundred eighty minutes.

One could do alot of damage in that time....

Gimme her number, she'll see things differently once I'm done with her.....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....